Hugs not drugs!! (Wisdom #3)

"Sometimes we forget to believe in ourselves and we need our friends and lovers to remind us of what makes us special. We can grow out of our darkest holes by being showered with love and kind words.

You are not going to believe this, but someone passed by me -just this second - with a t-shirt reading, "Hugs Not Drugs." I swear! ... That's exactly the point. Why do we do drugs and other destructive behaviors? We don't love ourselves. And that's the gift our parents, children, friends, and teachers can give us. They can remind us we are loved. As John Lennon sang: love is all we need.

Today, burn through layers of a loved one's doubt and shame with four simple words:
I believe in you."

-Ett utdrag från en blogg jag läste.... o jag tror detta gäller alla....killar som tjejer....fattig som rik?...liten som stor./Ingo


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