How fuck is a centipede doing it? WISDOME #32

"Have you heard the one about the Master who asks the centipede, “How do you manage with 100 legs?” and the centipede replies, “one leg at a time.”


Stay on course today by taking it one step at a time." -YB


We all fall Wisdome #31

"We all fall.  It doesn’t mean we’re failures, or doomed. Progress is’nt linear, but spiral.
Do you have an intention to be better?  Get back in touch with that today.  Stick to it and your next level shift will come in, like the tide." -YB

Open door

"Think about one person who has changed your life.  What if he or she didn't
return your call, hire you, love you, teach you, guide you? What if they
didn’t open that door for you?

Today, open that door for someone else.
" -YB

People who care about you want you to ask

"Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help because we don’t know how.  But people who care about you want you to ask, regardless of whether or not you know how to do it.


Like a child learning to speak, even if the words come out wrong, the parents have GREAT delight when asked for something.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help today. You can’t do it alone." -YB

Detta är något jag måste lära mig, och förstå.
Andra vill även att man frågar dem efter hjälp..... hmm det var något nytt.
Men man kan ju vända på det.
Jag tycker ju om när andra frågar mig om hjälp.
Hjälp varandra...så hörs vi.

Love Mean People Wisdom #29


"The most difficult people are the ones who need the most love. Be nice to a mean person today. What comes from the heart, goes to the heart." -YB

Make the call -Wisdom#28

"How do you increase your motivation?

Rush to action. Get up early. Put in over-time on a personal project. Make the phone call. Take physical action and it will ignite your desire for more.

Today, work backwards. Don't wait for inspiration to strike. Strike anyway ­ especially if you're not feeling it ­ by getting yourself to do one thing you've been putting off." -YB

No doormats ...but balance

"Most relationships are based on selfish desire, where the partner or sibling or friend only worry about their own happiness. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy. The problem is life is based on paradoxes.

If we seek happiness for ourselves we receive chaos instead. Yet, when we strive to make others happy, we ourselves receive happiness. The more we share with others, the more is shared with us.

Yes, there is a balance. No, we are not meant to become doormats. Learning when enough is enough is another topic, but it’s enough now that you notice those situations where it’s all about you.

This is the secret of happiness. Now you know. Today, put your knowing into action."-YB

Wisdome #26 -The truth is quiet, not loud

"When you’re banging pots and pans, it’s the emptiest vessels that sound the loudest. Just because someone is talking loud and sounding like they’re wise, doesn’t mean they have the right answers.

Today, read in between the lines of what people are saying to decipher their truth. The truth is quiet, not loud."-Y Berg

Chain Reaction

Jag fick ett mail i dag......

"What would the world become if everyone reading this email woke up and decided, “I’m going to treat everyone with kindness today.”

We would brighten someone’s day, who would in turn brighten someone else’s day, and on and on and on. At the end of the day, it’s conceivable that we could have impacted thousands of people. There would be huge change in the world.

Today, speed up this chain reaction."

Tyckte om mailet......... så här är det..... o jag skall tänka så idag.... SKALL DU???

Wisdom # 24 -Simple, doesn’t mean it’s wrong

"Rational thought tends to turn simple into twisted knots. Yet, truths are always straightforward, and your first instinct is often the right one. Just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Today, keep in mind that life does want to give you the best. Sometimes, it is good enough to be true." -Berg

Get stupid!

Wisdom in artform

Get up...
It's time...
Your life...
Your world...

Get up...
It's time...
Your life...
Your choice...

It's time for you to read the signs
Your world...
Your choice...
You don't have the luxury of time

Tic Tac, Tic Tac 

You have got to say what's on your mind
the time is now...
if you wait too long it'll be too late

let's go... 

the time is right now
you got to decide
say what you like
there ain't no time to loose 

Be it!

"Like attracts like. By being courageous, loving, and forgiving you bring love, courage and forgiveness into your own life.

What do you need to attract into your life today? Be it."

Difficult people

Difficult people are the ones who need the most love.

Be nice to a "not nice" person today.

Wisdom #24 -Nourishing your spirit!

"Peace doesn't begin with fund-raising dinners, politics, wars, intellectual debate or organizations that have appointed themselves to represent the people. Peace begins with the reflection in the mirror.

Personal peace is a powerful cause of world peace. Personal peace and personal health lead to global peace and global health. Everything is interconnected.

Today, do something nourishing for your spirit."

Wisdom #23 - Someone else in pain??

" If we are given the opportunity to see someone else's pain it is because we have the ability to do something about it. If we see someone in pain and we don't do anything, this is the lowest form of behavior.
Today, know that you only get to witness that which you can affect.

To help and to be part of the solution is good energy" -YB

Så vist!

Jag hittade detta på Internet i dag
Och det stämmer så väl. Tycker det stämmer så bra med mina värderingar.
Däremot glömmer man lätt all denna vishet.
Så jag snodde det.... och har kopierat in den här nedan.
Hoppas jag kollar på detta med jämna mellanrum, så jag inte glömmer bort detta.
Man borde kanske fokusera på det här dagligen. Skall försöka det.
Alla kan ju bli lite bättre ;)

The most destructive habit............................................Worry
The greatest Joy..........................................................Giving
The greatest loss.......................................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work...................................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait....................................Selfishness
The most endangered species.......................Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource...................................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"..........................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome...................................Fear

The most effective sleeping pill...........................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease................................Excuses
The most powerful force in life.........................................Love

The most dangerous pariah.....................................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer........................The brain
The worst thing to be without... .....................................Hope

The deadliest weapon............................................The tongue
The two most power-filled words.................................."I Can"
The greatest asset........................................................Faith

The most worthless emotion......................................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire.............................................SMILE!
The most prized possession......................................Integrity

The most precious gift in life...................................Friendship
The most contagious spirit....................................Enthusiasm

Wisdom #22 -Failures are good

"Successes aren't what really matter in life; it's what we do with our failures that makes us, and our work, great in this world.
Today, keep moving. Every no brings you closer to a yes"-YB

Wisdom #21 -Admit your mistake

"You are here to make mistakes; that's an inescapable part of your destiny.

There are two roads you can take: admit your mistake and change, or hide the truth from yourself and blame others.

Today, allow yourself to uncover your imperfections. Give yourself permission to be vulnerable. This is what leads to change." Berg


Denna vecka skall jag analysera mina "imperfections", erkänna mina misstag, och ändras. Detta är veckans uppgift. Det kommer vara jobbigt o svårt.


En sak vet jag redan.  Jag är höjdrädd!!!

Wisdom #20 - Get out of your way!! !!

"Life is meant to be lived. You're meant to pursue your dreams, and take risks, in this lifetime. This means giving your doubts a break and giving your soul a chance to speak its truth.

The only thing standing in your way is you.

Today, get out of your way and explore your unknown."

Wisdom #19 -Who needs your love?

"Unconditional love is accepting someone as they are, without judgment. And it doesn't just happen. It is a mountain you must constantly climb, looking to the peak even when you've been knocked down to your knees. This is unconditional love.

Who needs your love today?" -Berg


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