Meaning of life?

I do not have a clue really, but I start to find some kind of purpose.

I just know, that I feel much better when I know that I am doing something good for this world. And since that make me feel good, I think I will continue with that business!
Are you doing anything to make this world a better place? … or are you just an egocentric bitch that actually feel very lonely and sad within?

Oprah is right. -What you give to the world, is what you will receive from the world.
I have tried, and it worked for me. Do you dare to try?

We can just make it very simple…. give some one a smile on his face…and that will give you a smile to. ( I will give you one now, and you will see that it does works!)

I want to feel good and happy….. so then I have to make this world a happy and good place to be in. What do you want. What is meaning of you being?



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