Wisdom #18

When was the last time you gave something without asking — or expecting — something in return? This kind of investment pays off the biggest dividends.

Today, think of one way you can express unconditional love to a family member, friend or total stranger.

Wisdom #17

We use our mistakes as opportunities to grow so we don't lose the nerve to commit new ones.

Today, let yourself off the hook for missed opportunities and spoiled chances. Instead, ask yourself what you learned about yourself, and life, as a result. Then have the courage to move forward and risk failing again.

Because every "no" brings you closer to a "yes."

Memorable actions? V#16

" The only things that last are those done with others in mind.

Do something everlasting today."

Let you be you -Visdom #15

"Why are we so afraid of what people think of us? They're going to judge us anyway, so we might as well be ourselves and let them think what they want. Confront this fear today. Be yourself. Spill your truth. Let you be you."-Y Berg

Choose action over inaction Wisdom #14

"A psychological study came out a few years ago showing people regret the things they didn't do more than the things they did do.

One of the reasons we miss opportunities is, even if we do know what we want, we get overwhelmed and sidetracked by thoughts of what it takes to get there.

Today, there's no such thing as "I don't know how I'm going to do it." Claim what you want and know that you'll find a way. Choose action over inaction."

Determine your reality! Visdom #13

"If thoughts determine our reality, why is it we can't think a happy thought and fly away to Neverland any time we want? Because we are prone to the domino effect of negative thinking - one negative thought produces countless others. All we need is one tiny self-doubt to start the chain reaction.


Today play detective on yourself.
Stakeout your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
Determine your reality.


"The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best of everything that comes their way."

Wisdom #12

"Jealousy is a happiness destroyer. Our own. It softens our focus on what we have. And lack of appreciation is synonymous with lack of happiness.

Walk into your life today as if it were the first time. 
Look around yourself.
What do you love about what you see?"

Wisdom #11

"We're all human. We all get to moments where we don't feel like doing or caring. But we have to realize we are at war with our darkness. This can be one of the most dangerous weapons of the other side - to stop pushing.

We must constantly grasp for our next level. Even when we're tired, don't have the energy, had a bad day - even then we must find the strength to inject energy and look within. Insecurity, hurt by others, whatever the excuse is to become lazy - if we're not alert to our enemy's moves, he knocks us down.


Today, push back against your inner-gravity.
Challenge yourself to do more than you usually do. Go the extra-EXTRA mile."

Open heart and ears



"Fear of speaking or hearing the truth is the biggest stumbling block we face in our desire to experience genuinely fulfilling, honest and loving relationships. When we hold something back, that something separates us from the other person. If we're not open to hearing the words of others without reacting or taking them personally, we have distanced ourselves from those individuals.

It's always easier to tell people what they want to hear. It's often more comfortable to agree with someone, even if we disagree in our hearts. And since it can be equally frightening to confront painful truths about our own selves, our friends and family may feel compelled to tell us only what we want to hear.

Today when you need to tell the truth, have the courage to open your heart as well as your mouth. And when you need to hear the truth, have the strength to open your ears and close your mouth."


I want it now!!! Wisdom #9

"The greatest desire to receive is “I want it now!”

How many times have you given up on something because the results didn’t come fast enough? We all do it. We abandon developing friendships, projects, or spiritual behaviors because we don’t see immediate results.

The Light works in its own time. Our success might come today, it might come in ten years. We don’t know. But we do know that the more we act - while simultaneously pushing away the craving for instant gratification - the greater our capacity to experience success becomes.

Today, push back on that nagging voice that wants everything this second. Focus on the work at hand and know that everything you need will arrive just in time."

Wisdom #8

"We never know how much time we have on this earth to do our spiritual work, so, there is no time like the present, as they say.

We must be on our toes, all the time, guarding against over- thinking and over-analyzing. We must avoid getting our feet stuck in the mud.

Today, do things quickly. Don't get bogged down in any one thing. If you do, then repeat, "next, next, next.""



Be strong!! Wisdom #7

"We know it's within a person's nature to follow his habits and his friend's habits...Where others gain strength, we gain strength and where others are weak, we too are weak.

The greatest difficulty ...is being strong where most people are negligent.

This doesn't mean drop all your negative friends and family. Because the truth is, we all have positive and negative inside. I know people like that, constantly dropping people, and in most cases they end up alone.

The point is, sometimes we need to be the ones who are strong in the midst of weakness. We need to set the example and to put out the positive, proactive thinking and behavior that will brings others up to a higher level. Do that today. Be big. Be positive. Be strong."




Rush into action! (Wisdom #6)

"What we're talking about in these dailies is whenever we see an opportunity to do the right thing, the right restriction, the right giving, the right sharing, the right treatment for our bodies, the right discipline, we don't want to let any thought and space come between the opportunity and the action. Just jump and do it. Grab the opportunity.

....as you train yourself to jump right away into action, without giving any space for doubts or procrastination, gradually it becomes second nature and we love to do it. We look forward to emotional risks the way we look forward to going to a movie. If we're late for a movie, we hurry into the theater, running toward the movie, right?

Keep running towards the biggest confrontations and fears and challenges in your life. Do it over and over and over and over until it becomes part of you. Rush into action!

What's your risk today?"

Save Lives!! (Wisdom #5)

""through joy you can give renewed life to another person who is in a state of depression (or another fallen state.) By approaching them with a happy face you are able to give them renewed life."

Smile. You never whose life you can save.""

I know that I will try to give some a renewed life this week..... are you / Ingemar


Do not be shy! (Wisdom #4)


""How often do you walk into a room feeling like all eyes are on you? Probably every room you walk into. It's our ego-centric nature to think everyone is thinking about us and giving us the evil eye.

I have news for you, most of us are too busy thinking about ourselves to have time to think about you!

Today, don't worry what "they" think of you, because "they're" busy worrying about what you think of "them""

Hugs not drugs!! (Wisdom #3)

"Sometimes we forget to believe in ourselves and we need our friends and lovers to remind us of what makes us special. We can grow out of our darkest holes by being showered with love and kind words.

You are not going to believe this, but someone passed by me -just this second - with a t-shirt reading, "Hugs Not Drugs." I swear! ... That's exactly the point. Why do we do drugs and other destructive behaviors? We don't love ourselves. And that's the gift our parents, children, friends, and teachers can give us. They can remind us we are loved. As John Lennon sang: love is all we need.

Today, burn through layers of a loved one's doubt and shame with four simple words:
I believe in you."

-Ett utdrag från en blogg jag läste.... o jag tror detta gäller alla....killar som tjejer....fattig som rik?...liten som stor./Ingo

Save us years of tears (Wisdom #2)

"How much time do you spend arguing about who is right and who is wrong?

As ...people wanting to connect to the most fulfillment possible, we always have to step back and examine our need to be right. Those pauses in the midst of arguments can save us years of tears.

Today, when you are in the midst of disagreeing with someone, ask yourself if it's worth creating space between you and the other, just to be right. It's important to speak up and express your feelings, but it's equally important to listen to other person's feelings. Forget about being right. Being open to another's perspective is the right way...and it's the best way to resolve any argument."


"Change is what happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing."

Wisdom #1

"The thing is, we don't want to wait for the pain of cancer to motivate us to stop smoking, or the heartbreak of a lover cheating on us to realize we're in a bad relationship. We want to imagine what the pain would feel like now so we don't have to go through it later.

What do you want to change about yourself? Pick one thing and imagine the pain you will feel down the line if you continue doing what you are doing."


Jag skall försöka ändra mig. Men det är jobbigt. Jävligt jobbigt.

Jag vill bli bättre... o visare... men jag har en sådan stor latmask.
I mitt bloggande kommer ni möta en brutalt ärlig Ingo som försöker.....
Jag betonar ... försöker. För jag hoppas jag lyckas, men det vet man inte fören efteråt.

Jag hoppas även att i mitt arbete att bli en visare man, även inspirerar er.
Funderar på min framtida smärta, om jag håller på med vad jag gör nu.
-jag måste nog ändra mig lite! ;)

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